Confessions of a Pediatrician - Part 2

SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)

When you say syndrome, it means that we don’t know what causes it. We actually have a pretty good idea of what causes it. We have 6 data sets that looked at SIDS in relation to when the child was vaccinated. One data set showed 50% of SIDS cases occurring within 1 week of being vaccinated, while another data set showed a 97% occurrence of SIDS within a week of being vaccinated. Among all data sets, it averaged between 75-90% of SIDS occurring within one week of being vaccinated.

We've known this for decades. The countries that have the most childhood vaccines have the highest infant mortality rates. The U.S. has the most childhood vaccines in the world, and also the highest infant mortality rate, worldwide.

There is a 450-page legal document that has tables showing for every single disease for which we have a vaccine, there are more deaths from the vaccine than from the disease itself.

- Dr. Paul Thomas (Pediatrician)

In the 1980s, Japan had the highest infant mortality rate in the world. They took a strong look at the correlation of SIDS and Shaken Baby Syndrome, in regards to their child vaccine schedule. They switched from vaccines, starting at birth, to waiting until after 2 years of age to begin their child vaccine schedule. Japan went from having the most infant deaths to the fewest, worldwide, in their first year of the change.

The drastic change in deaths is due to the development of the blood-brain barrier. Think of this like a latex glove that covers the brain, protecting the brain from being exposed to toxins. Vaccines are toxic bombs in a shot, full of everything, including: mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, antibiotics, human or animal tissue, MSG, and cancer-causing agents like Polysorbate 80.

The problem is Japan didn’t wait long enough. That’s because it takes until you are about 8 years old to have fully developed your blood-brain barrier. That means every vaccine a child receives, prior to 8 years of age, causes horrific toxic damage to the brain. This could result in eczema, ADD, ADHD, digestive problems, autoimmune disorders, learning/developmental delays, cancer, and death.

My job is not to tell you whether or not to vaccinate yourself or your child. That is solely the decision of a parent... not a government, a municipality, a school district, or a doctor. My job is to spark your interest in protecting your family or you can start a 25-year research journey to prove me wrong. I am confident that you will find out exactly what I found out 25 years ago ... that I had been lied to about the safety and efficacy of vaccines.

ChiroPatrIck * * 818-766-0118


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