Confessions of a Pediatrician - Part 1

Pediatrics sounds like it should be an amazing branch of medicine... what’s more important than getting/keeping your newborn baby safe and healthy. Unfortunately, like many things in life, many agendas are hidden with smoke and mirrors. Pediatrics is a business. Let me ask you something... "Does medicine make more or less profit with a healthy child?" The reason medicine, especially pediatrics, makes me uneasy is their business model. The facade of keeping your newborn healthy. Have you ever wondered that your baby ‘wellness’ visits just happen to fall on the recommended childhood vaccine schedule... hmm, that’s weird... probably just a coincidence, right?

I am not saying that pediatricians are bad people. Unfortunately, they have been so brainwashed and mind controlled that I would expect them to practice the way they practice. Now for the small percentage of pediatricians who do know what they are doing and are profiting from their actions... I have no kind words for those who, intentionally, cause harm or death to beautiful, innocent children.

No private pediatrician’s office could ever survive, financially, without the cash cow that vaccines bring to their offices. And here is how that works:

3 Revenue Streams for Pediatricians through Mass Vaccination:

  1. Admin Fee: It depends on the Insurance company, but typically the reimbursement is about $40 for the first antigen and $20 for every additional antigen on any one office visit. For example, a 2-month-old (on the recommended schedule) will receive DPT, Hib, Prevnar, HepB, Polio, Rotavirus... that’s 6 shots, but 8 antigens... that’s a price tag of $180-$240 reimbursement from the insurance company, plus the patient’s copayment. A busy private pediatrician can see up to 30-40 newborns per month. That’s 2-month visits, 4-month visits, 6-month, and 12-month visits during the first year. This pediatrician grossed about $1 Million, just from the vaccine admin fees.
  2. Vaccine Markups: This is small, but still more profit.
  3. Bonuses: This is called ‘Quality Bonus.’ In the medical arena, the ‘quality’ of a pediatrician is based on how well they vaccinate... meaning, what % of their patients are fully vaccinated. It has nothing to do with how healthy their patients are... just how vaccinated they are. The goal is to have 80% of your patients up to date on shots by age 2. If a doctor has a low up-to-date %, they will be penalized and get paid about 10-15% less for all of their services, not just vaccines. In a big practice, that could be losing up to $1.3 Million per year between loss of vaccine revenue and a 15% loss in service revenue. On the contrary, if you are a superb vaccinator and are at the 80% level, you make a bonus of 10% on all of your services in addition to the vaccines.

When I did an analysis on the overall health of all my patients... the vaxxed vs the unvaxxed... the data was astonishing. The unvaxxed were far superior in overall health. They rarely got sick. They rarely would end up in the ER or in a hospital or with any chronic condition, including Autism. So being unvaxxed resulted in very healthy kids who never used a lot of medical dollars... not profitable to the system.

-Dr. Paul Thomas (Pediatrician)


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